The Russell County jail is located at 307 Prentiss Drive, Phenix City, Al. 36869. Contact the jail at 334-298-8621
Click here to download our updated Inmate Handbook
Click here to download the Russell County Sheriff's Office Employment Application
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The corrections division provides jail services for all law enforcement agencies in Russell County. Weekly programs offered to the inmates include General Education Development, Family Planning / Parenting Skills, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Bible Studies. These programs benefit not only the inmate, but the community.
The Russell County Jail provides incarceration for persons of pre-trial and post trial. We also offer alternatives to jail incarceration. These programs include work release and work crew programs.
How do I receive phone calls from an inmate?
All inmates can make outside calls to approved family and friends. No incoming calls can be received except for voicemail messages to approved inmates. Each inmate will be given access to the telephone upon the
completion of the booking process. Telephones for private use are located in each housing area.
Inmate calls (local and long distance) are billed at a per-minute rate, with no connection fees.
International calls are also billed at a per-minute rate. Three-way calls are prohibited.
Below are the calling rates for Russell County Jail (Prentiss L. Griffith Det. Center)
To create and fund Pre-Paid Collect accounts, please visit NCIC Inmate Communication's website at: English -
Para Espanol -
or call our call center at 1-800-943-2189
Como recibo las llamadas telefonicas de un preso?
Todos los presos pueden hacer llamadas externas a familiares y amigos aprobados. Los presos no pueden recibir llamadas excepto los mensajes de correo de voz a los presos aprobados. Cada preso tendra acceso al telefono una vez que sean procesados.Los telefonos para uso privado se encuentran en cada area de alojamiento.
Llamadas del preso (locales y de larga distancia) se facturan a una tarifa por minuto, sin cargos de conexion. Las llamadas internacionales tambien se facturan a una tarifa por minuto.
Las llamadas tripartitas (Tres vias) estan prohibidas.
Las tarifas de llamadas para Russell County Jail (Prentiss L. Griffith Det. Center) se muestran a continuacion:
Para crear y financiar cuentas Pre-Paid Collect, visite el sitio web de NCIC Inmate Communication's:
Para Espanol -
or call our call center at 1-800-943-2189